
My name is Lefteris Chatzipetrou. I was born in Symi, Greece on 1991. I am the co-founder and CTO of HAM Systems. I graduated from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

I have been programming in various languages and platforms since 2009. These platforms include video game development (C/C++, SDL, OpenGL, Lua), web development (Node.js, PHP, SQL, JS, HTML, CSS) and microcontrollers (AVR, ESP8266, ESP12). I am also familiar with python in which I coded my diploma thesis on generating storylines from twitter. You can check out some of my projects on this website.

I also have some minor knowledge on MATLAB, Java, CUDA, Android, LaTeX and some flavours of RISC Assembly (AVR, MIPS). Besides that, I enjoy playing the guitar, video games and movies.